The Philosophy of Nottingham Art Studio

Sandy__still_life_from_above_1Learning to draw and paint is wonderfully rewarding and enjoyable. It helps you get in touch with your Self and also engage with the beauty of the world around you. Furthermore the creative process enables you to develop the means to express yourself.

Like any other language, the visual language of art enables you to express and communicate your own thoughts and feelings. In an age when our experience of the world is processed so much for us, it allows an opportunity for us to discover our own perceptions anew: to create and not only consume!  It is a way of getting back in touch with our own personal selves and thinking and making creatively. This is very nourishing, refreshing and enriching. In an age of electronic screens and virtual reality it is also very satisfying to manipulate physical and tactile materials.

The language of drawing and painting- of Form, Tone and Colour, can be easily learned if properly taught. By acquiring good drawing skills and a basic knowledge of the materials and methods of painting you will gain the means to express your own ideas and reveal the world with fresh eyes!

I can teach the craft to enable you to create the poetry!

You will feel alive and fulfilled in yourself- try it and see!

Mark Beaven