Summer Courses

Portrait Painting Summer School: Expressive Portrait Painting in Oils.

 Dates and details to be announced

Fee: to be confirmed

Enjoy painting from a costumed portrait model over 3 days.The model is a young woman who will be dressed in “summery” costume and the general set up will have a bright, summery feel.

Expert guidance will be given on structuring the head and expressive oil painting techniques.
Suitable for anyone with some previous experience in painting with oils.

This is a great opportunity to develop your portraiture skills by working directly from a professional model.

Advice will be given on constructing form, composition, colour and technique.

On Day 1 we shall start by drawing in order to learn about the proper construction and proportions of the head and thoroughly examine how light, planes and tones model form.

On days 2 and 3 we shall study composition, the use of underpainting and then develop the portrait in colour, analysing flesh tones, edge qualities and creating focus to unify the portrait.

This workshop is aimed at artists with some previous drawing and oil painting experience.

In order to allow each student to have a good, close-up view of the model, this workshop will be strictly limited to 10 students only.

To book a place please email Mark to

Venue: Nottingham Society of Artists, Top floor Studio, 71, Friar Lane, Nottingham, NG1 6HD. This studio has great natural light and easels, tables and chairs are provided.

Materials to bring:

Paints:  Oils are recommended

Suggested colours: white, cadmium yellow pale, yellow ochre, venetian red, cadmium red, alizarin crimson, raw umber, burnt sienna, ultramarine blue, viridian, black

Brushes: hog bristle, preferably square ended (long “flats”): one number 10, two of no.8, two of no.6, one number 4.

Supports: Primed painting boards (e.g. Daler boards), or canvas, at least approx 16”x 20” for head & shoulders, or bigger for a half length portrait

Sundries: a large mixing palette (approx 11”x 16” ), palette knife, old rags, low odour solvent and jar with lid, refined linseed/stand oil and small jar/dipper with lid, old/protective clothing

BOOKING CONDITIONS: PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED IN ORDER TO BOOK A PLACE. Places are limited to the first 10 bookings. A full refund will be given if the course is already full or has to be cancelled. No refunds can be given for any sessions not attended.